My Handsome Husband....

Apr. 27th 05:52 PM 2009
I am thinking of you and missing you terribly. You know it is raining today here, what a mercy of Allah. I was sleeping restlessly without you last night. I know you can tell I am worried and stressed, and I am sorry for that. I just can't hide how I feel from you, you just know me so well. Our future is bright....and full of so many wonderful things to come. I love you and thank you for all that you are and all that you do for us. *KISS*

Alright My King...

Apr. 26th 08:07 PM 2009
I am missing you terribly. I really wish we had more time together. I know it feels sometimes like we just seem to keep missing one another, but patience will get us through - especially yours because you are such a patient man with me. How did I get so lucky for that? If I were you and I know my patience level...well THANK GOD you are more patient than I. I love you...I know I don't say that enough lately but just remember it...I do. You are always in my heart and in my thoughts. I LOVE YOU EMMANUEL...............


Apr. 24th 04:19 AM 2009
Do you know I miss you? Do you know I can't wait to get through all this? Do you know I am tired of always waiting waiting....but I know it will be worth it simply because of the feeling I get when we are together. Thank you for making me feel that are more precious every day. I thank you for the gentle way you take care of me, and handle me when I am stressing out over the smallest things. You are so wonderful....I am lucky to have you in my life....


Apr. 11th 11:27 PM 2009

My love

Apr. 6th 01:50 AM 2009
Am Missing you and can't wait to see you...I have to do some laundry and things and get ready for work, I'll call you ...I LOVE YOU and can't wait to see you more this week while I stay at my sister's Inshallah

You are wonderful too...

Mar. 29th 04:42 AM 2009
I love you my darling. OMG I am missing you so much right now. I am really missing you. I'm sorry that this is so stressful right now. Just know what I am always thinking of you and missing you and loving you.


Mar. 24th 05:49 PM 2009
I am happy to be home at least sort of, as it is harder to be able to spend the time I want with you at least talking or whatever. I know it is hard, but you have to really be patient. It is like I am a kid again being at home with mom and dad plus mom is really sick....I see her and I feel so bad for her because she does not look like my mom anymore....she is so tired most of the time I am trying my best to do all that I can - like clean the house, do the laundry, and whatever else she wants me to do for her. So, while I know you are upset because we are not getting quality time because I am so exhausted, please please please be patient....I still love you


Mar. 12th 05:48 AM 2009
Hey my darling love...I wish we could be celebrating your birthday together inshallah soon we will be celebrating something else....I am so so excited that I can barely wait. I love you and miss you........Hope you have a good day....I LOVE YOU

my precious king........

Mar. 1st 05:19 PM 2009
I miss you terribly....I am sorry we didn't get a chance to talk yesterday...I tried to call but the stupid phone card cut us off when you picked up....I was so busy yesterday because of the Winter Formal for the Sisters at the school. It was really nice, and the girls all looked so lovely and Mashallah are very modest.....but sometimes I think maybe they need more attention from their mothers....we really enjoyed the night and the girls had so much fun...the decorations were fabulous and you can see they put so much time into it....Jah helped to babysit the younger children downstairs so they could play freely and not get hurt or anything...she had fun too and was extremely well know I just wish you could have been there to share this with us to share all that we have been doing are terribly missed by us my loving king....we are trying so hard to keep it together but without you we are struggling because you are our guide....we miss you and love you honey..........always no one else can compare


Feb. 27th 01:14 AM 2009
I missed you and have been thinking of you....sorry the phone call got cut short....I was at work and well in between classes trying to get some lunch which I left in the car...because I was afraid I would be late this morning....