My King and Husband....

May. 14th 01:32 AM 2009
I am sorry that we have had a hard time to go through lately. I will do better to try to meet all the needs of our relationship. I love you so much. It was good today sitting and planning our wedding together. I am excited....I hope you are as excited and happy as I am. We have so much left to do. I know we need to make our daughter happy as part of the wedding as well. She will be ecstatic....joyful being part of it. I am so happy my husband....and I hope you will be too...I just hope you like the way we are planning this wedding...and I want you to be the biggest part of the planning so we will be closer together....and it will give us something to look forward to. Please take extra care of yourself and don't forget about us- thinking of us and planning for our future. It will be bright!!! Amen...I love you my HUSBAND


May. 13th 04:44 AM 2009
I am sorry truely that we have not had a lot of time to spend together. I am working really hard lately and am so busy. You know I have so much to do and so many things to complete so that I might be settled with Jah. Also, am trying to save as much as possible - you that we can have a wonderful vacation together. It is so hard lately as it seems like I don't have time for myself. There are so many things I want to do for myself but I find I lack the time and when I finally have it, am too pooped to do anything about but always my thoughts include you and I do my best to make time for you....I know I was grouchy today but please forgive me as I have been working late nights and then pulling double shifts and soon if I am not careful I will have to make a room at the company to put a mat on the floor to sleep only a couple of ... I know my bosses appreciate my effort but it would be even better if they would put that appreciation in a raise....LOL though no worries as I believe quite soon I will be paid more for the effort I am putting into this job....I am supposed to have Friday and Saturdays off and even Sundays but I think I will be working thos shifts fairly soon. I enjoy the work though - until I get back into school...or go to Korea one... :D We will see what happens. I miss you and am thinking of you...can't wait to spend time with you again...I love you...always know that you are in my thoughts.


May. 13th 12:58 AM 2009
You know I love you, I have to go so we can meet one another again when I am at my sister's but I wanted to say I love you too before I go. I miss you and can't wait to SEE YOU....please take care of yourself...


May. 8th 04:23 AM 2009
King...where are you? I was hoping I would see you online while am at work. It is a boring day here so far. I still have a few hours left. You know the computer glitches are tremendous. I just wanted to say that I love you very much. Hope to see you in the morning. I LOVE YOU...


May. 7th 04:56 AM 2009
My King, I am so happy to be able to spend time with you. You know I am so sorry we didn't get to meet this morning. They were working on power lines out near my sister's place. I don't know why, but I spent the time resting and hanging out with the dogs - dog sitting while my sister has our princess at Rockport fishing. She is having a wonderful time. She barely remembers me at all. I miss her so much and I have not seen her either nor talked with her...since she has pretty much given me up for the easy life of relaxation at the beach. LOLShe is sooooo amazing you know. Anyway, I suppose I should go, I am at work and it is boring here. I have basically been answering phones and taking payment information for the drivers. I can't wait to spend a little time with you in the morning. It will be nice. To see your face will be nice. :)

You know.....

May. 6th 03:15 AM 2009
I want to share things with you, and I enjoy your time with me but it goes too fast...I sent something a bit fast earlier because I hit the button. Un besos mi amor....I hope that you will always feel as you do with me...Un beso....


May. 6th 03:13 AM 2009
Thank you...Me too...yeah

I just want to say my King...

May. 6th 02:17 AM 2009
The past few days have been a hellish time. I know that it has not been easy on you, and it has not been for me either. I am so blessed to have you with such patience, and no harshness even though I lost my composure at times because of the stress. You are a shining example of what a good husband is. I am so lucky to have you for my man, especially because it was mostly you that got us through. You are so wonderful and gentle and kind and caring. I never knew that it could be like know sometimes I have a hard time picturing what my life was like before you became a part of it....I have been smiling since the day I met you. Thank you for all you do to make me come out of the rough times not just by actions but through your constant advice on what is better to do when I need that guidance. You are amazing and I love you so much. I love you and I can never be the same since you came into my life....I LOVE YOU ..........

Hello King......

May. 2nd 12:01 AM 2009
Hello are you? I am doing alright except that you are so busy with Alfred and his new laptop...:DI miss you and am thinking of you. Jah and I are going swimming tonight and we are going to enjoy the weekend in the pool. We will have a picnic lunch there tomorrow. It will be so nice...I love the swimming has a great view too of the lake. I can't wait. Jah is being kind of a booger today. She is causing little troubles as we speak because she is anticipating doing this swimming. I promised soon I have to go because the pool will close. I miss you and I love you...inshallah we will talk at my mom's later tonight. I love you...take care ...

My King and Husband

Apr. 28th 08:32 PM 2009
I am thinking of you today especially a lot. I heard a song and it made me think so much of is called Mad be Ne-Yo and the lines that really made me think of you were "I know sometimes it's gonna rain...I don't wanna go to bed mad at you and I don't want you to go to bed mad at me..." know you are so tremendously precious to me. I appreciate so much the tender heart you share with me especially if I am wrong you never fault me, but you are so amazing at the way you handle me and make me to see what I do wrong. You always do it by two things - by making me see the bad behavior and asking me how I would feel if it were me, and by making me feel good about other things I do that you really like, and you make me laugh. You are so amazing and I know right now you are stressing because of the situation we are in....but we are in it together....we have our family and we are not alone - God never shuts a door without opening a window....and I feel the breeze baby the window is open....*KISS* Just please try not to be so stressed and I will try my best to do what we discussed last night for your mom. OH - Mother's Day is soon and I have to ask you about a special gift for her so please be kind and remind me that I saw it and will be needing your permission to obtain it. I am uncertain if it will be what she will like or enjoy (I do not want to give her something that she needs so much as she can take pleasure just from knowing she is loved and cared for). I love you my King - truely you know that....and I don't say it as much as I should but I do try to show you in every way. I LOVE YOU always my HUSBAND... *KISS*