Love to see you one on one

Jan. 9th 11:22 AM 2009
This is my number 08056401507 my email is ehism let have a private talk ok later


Jan. 3rd 01:50 PM 2009
wishing you a beautiful new year and am still expecting your email address and your phone number see you soon.

Hi Ope

Dec. 31st 12:27 AM 2008
Hi Opeyemi, How are you today? Nice look you've got there. A friend is someone who will walk the long way when you don't want to hop the fence,No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.Wanna be your friend,that's if dont mind.


Dec. 23rd 02:42 PM 2008 myspace graphic comments
Chistmas Graphic Comments

hi Ope

Dec. 19th 09:05 PM 2008
Nice pics, wanna be ur friend. hop u dont mind. sammy

hey gurl...

Dec. 19th 12:29 PM 2008
hw ar u doing?..enjoy ur wkend

cute gurl..

Dec. 13th 11:14 AM 2008
just drop by 2 shwo sum luv, enjoy ur wkend

hi pretty,

Dec. 11th 11:25 PM 2008
just viewed your page, how you doing?


Nov. 27th 05:31 PM 2008
U look too much cuty and I just wanna say thanks 4 adding me.


Nov. 25th 07:24 PM 2008
hello pretty,cud u do me d favour of sending ur no 2 me so i can holla at u or cal me on mine.08023304332.i wud really appreciate.tnks