bthday in advance

Mar. 12th 07:37 AM 2010
young lady,
hw av u being and i hope all is well.
Friend and Friends Forever

A friend is a friend forever
They'll ignite a flame of love
And set your heart aglow,
And light up your life
From your head down to your toe.

A faithful friend is always there
To lend a helping hand.
They'll be there to defend your honor
And take a firm or gentle stand.

When you least expect it,
They may drop in to say,
"Hello, how have you been?
I love you with all my heart,
My true and special friend."

A friend will add beauty to your life,
Like a sweet scented flower.
A good conversation may last into the night
Or for many, many, hours.

They will take time to stop and listen,
When your life is in doubt.
That's what a good friend's love is all about.
A hug, a smile, a tear, or a gentle touch.

These are the things a
forever friend will say and do...
For, they love you forever
and always, so very very much.

Merry Xmas!

Dec. 23rd 06:09 PM 2009

Disney Happy Holiday Comments

Hi Keffy

Jul. 25th 09:44 AM 2009
keffy, u 're lookin pretty 'nd cool, pls be my pals


Jul. 20th 11:32 PM 2009
U look pretty 'n cool. keep it up. 100% okay

gud to kn u

Jul. 8th 12:46 PM 2009
lets get to kn,it will be nice

Stopping by to show luv...!Takie.

Jun. 27th 06:01 PM 2009
Free Pics Free Image Hosting Photo Sharing

Just 2 hella u cos u are inevitable name sake!

Jun. 24th 09:50 AM 2009
Luv 2 see d beautiful and immaculate face in camera.reply 2 fix me!

Thanks a lot

Jun. 17th 07:10 PM 2009
Hi keffy thanks for been my pal


May. 23rd 10:09 PM 2009
kaffy u're here again in dat case i luv u

nice posture

Apr. 19th 09:48 AM 2009
nice pic collection,says alot about who you are. have a lovely day