Am not Afraid

Dec. 21st 09:09 AM 2012
But all i know is dat things must surely be well with me cos the night must surely give way to the Day and my true Bright and light will shine like a diamondGod is ever MERCIFUL And Ever WORTHY So this day And Forever I pray that HE will give us senses to know the RIGHTs and the WRONGs and to avoid all the WRONGs and do only the RIGHTs in The mighty Name of JESUS I Pray AMEN...."WE ARE BLESSED" SO "STAY ALIVE"


Nov. 10th 03:53 PM 2012
Love is a vision of a blind man, a satisfaction of things hoped for, a confidence of things not seen. An unbreakable Agreement between two determined heart e.t.c

my succcess

Oct. 31st 11:02 AM 2012
my name is bright and my ways must remain bright and successful as long as God lives. i pray that God will make ways of succeeding for me. am always Thankful JESUS.

Life And Focus

Oct. 14th 04:17 AM 2012
Life is a fight how much can u fight ? We all must give an account of how we fought. A fight to overcome in order to make heaven atlast. Why are we giving Up To temptations such as Sexual desire,lusts etc Watch ur back