I' ve been stalking your page

Oct. 25th 05:31 PM 2008
a lot lately... haha! I'll put in a word for you when I talk to baba God! Enjoy your Sunday.

You were being picky...

Oct. 25th 02:27 PM 2008
You didn't want my crumpled one dollar bills, which I worked very hard for by the way.
It's not my fault that you are picky! Today is for work/laundry/more packing, and tomorrow, I'm off to Church to chat with Daddy Jesus. You?

> 3

Oct. 25th 02:17 PM 2008
Showing some lubb


Oct. 25th 01:58 PM 2008
So sad... I wish I could help, but I'm not very entertaining. You could always go do something fun and exciting in London... aaahhhh London, I miss it. How far away is London from Surrey?

I knew that...

Oct. 25th 01:40 PM 2008
I was kidding with ya! Have fun!

Friendship counts for nothing?

Oct. 24th 07:15 PM 2008
That was harsh! So harsh! Haha! I'm almost done though. When I get to that new apartment, I will sleep for a full day! OMG! Take care love!


Oct. 24th 04:20 PM 2008
At this rate, it will probably take a year to move into my new place. I have to
balance packing with my crazy schedule though, so give me a break... bully! lol.
Yes, I strum on the guitar. I'm no Mayer or Hendrix, but it's therapeutic so I like it.
I've got a lot of picks, but only one metallic Fender pick. Soooo pretty, and I'm glad I found it. Now I'm getting back to packing since you refuse to help me :o(

One million?

Oct. 24th 03:45 PM 2008
That's it? You know what, I'm sending it via mail right now. Gosh I wish I had that amount of money, I'd pay people to pack and move without having to lift a finger. I can always dream... :o)
But seriously check the mail for that $1,000,000. It's all in crumpled one dollar bills.

It has soooo

Oct. 24th 03:27 PM 2008
not been that long since I've been packing! Haha! That made me laugh. I do have a lot of crap, and I'm attached to the most ridiculous things. Anyway my books are packed, but I still have pack up my kitchen. It's too much stuff! So yeah name your condition coz I do with the help. Happy weekend! A thousand hug nudges!

Oh the nudges!

Oct. 23rd 03:28 AM 2008
Thanks much Ola! I hope you are having a great week! Take care love!