hello my family friend' s

May. 11th 09:56 PM 2014
just a word of advice , i am from Africa tho been to different countries . i just want people to understand that not all africans are looking to run away , but to find love . i do believe love can be found anywhere in the world . the only thing that keeps most of women around the world single and maybe jump into a drastic relationship is because they do tend to forget love superceeds all and can be found anywhere . not really finding love from the same country they live in . What really differs is the distant , but when you tend to work for it and it takes you miles how would it then fail you . Search on the inside of yourself and let go , be open and let love find you . life is short to be playing a head game with your instincts ,its best you find it but done let it rule you totally.. if you care to talk to me then i am here ....however you can travel to live a life of luxury and have fun why cant you then adventure to find the true love for you that exisits somewhere ...

i love the world

May. 6th 12:10 PM 2014
is all about love, a man without love in his heart, is like a wasted vessel... love is the main ingredient for every growing heart