Feb. 15th 10:30 PM 2012
Happy valentine to you all.


Jan. 15th 03:15 PM 2012
If weeping endures for a night, joy is coming in the morning. The time of sorrow has passed away, this is your joyful time, congratulation.


Nov. 7th 12:07 PM 2011
Last night i caught some stars, i will give them to the people who are special to me. Catch it, it is for you to make your day a happiest one. Happy sallah!


Sep. 26th 08:22 PM 2011
The more passionate you are the greater the power of attractive your passion for something motives and inspires other people to get involved.


Jun. 7th 05:15 PM 2011
Focus is penetration and concentration of energy on a certain sport to bring positive change. This is what your screw driver, digger axe and nail do for you. Avoid discouragement but focus on your effort.


May. 31st 05:25 PM 2011
Two are better than one for they have reward for their relationship, if one fall down another will raise him up, congratulation on your blissful life. Happy married life!


Apr. 3rd 04:04 PM 2011
If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to love. Many people look ahead some took back but most look confused. Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself, but do not relinquish wish it simply because someone else is not sure. What a man can conceive and believe he can achieve. Power is my mistress i have worked hard in conquering her to allow anyone to take her from me or even to convert her.


Mar. 25th 08:38 PM 2011
He who loses wealth loses much, he who loses a friend loses more but he who loses courage loses all. One man with courage makes a majority. Courage also a grace under pressures. It is the courageous soul that believes and succeeds.


Mar. 24th 03:00 PM 2011
Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrow it empties today of it's strength. Business men who do not know how to fight worry die young. Worry disrupts our work, disquiets our soul, disturbs our body, destroy's our friends demoralizes our life, defeats our faith and debilitates our energy.


Mar. 22nd 07:25 AM 2011
Welcome problem for they are the red stimulants to success. With me, a change of trouble is as good as a vacation. A man of character finds a special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is only by coming to graps with difficulty that he can recognise his potentianlities.