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ogbonna (ogbonna145)

: Fools speaks because the want to speak, but the wise speaks because they have some thing to say
Location: porthacourt, Nigeria
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Francis Redheart (redman66)

: it only takes someone with inner eyes to see it. Hope u don;t regret doing nothing about your financial situation.
Location: Surulere, Nigeria
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Owen Patrick (owenpat)

: losing everything is hard, but what is more hard is losing that one person that means the whole world to you... life is
Location: Benin, Nigeria
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Engr. Enyinda Nath Okey (Enyindaokey)

: the stand alone solar energy system has been installed and commissioned
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
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Kalli Makinta (kll99)

: The middle of every year there is target, achievment, challenges, progress and wishes, so my brothers and sister of this
Location: Maiduguri, Nigeria
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