
Jun. 5th 08:02 PM 2010
Do take it n hope to hear from..jst click below..and download 4 free!!.http://www.reverbnation.com/tunepak/2690713

u r wellcome

Jan. 5th 09:55 AM 2009
no big deal man. be cool


Jan. 5th 01:51 AM 2009
The wise........................
some go to church to take a walk;
some go to there to laugh and talk;
some go there to meet a friend;
some go there to meet a lover;
some go there a fault to cover;
some go there for speculation;
some go there for observation;
some go there to doze and nod;
the wise go there to worship.


Jan. 5th 01:04 AM 2009
Always be positive,believe in urself,tell ur self positive things b/4 a show.Things like "I am the greatest''I am gonna have a great show'',"I am the best there is''tell urself these and more and start to work towards being the best there is.Be proud of urself,no one can put u down unless u allow them.Ur biggest fan must be UR,This job is a "mind game'',and u must believe in urself and act out all these positive things u say to urself.B/4 every show ,don't allow anything negative get to u,always be in high positive mood,b'cos it's like u are going to WAR.Psyche urself up 4 VICTORY.