Happy New Year Festility

Jan. 20th 01:02 AM 2011

Happy & Prosperous July 2011
Many speak words of hope…but their works cause despair
Many speak words of mercy…but their works advance cruelty
Many speak words of victory…but their works create failure
They strengthen with words…but weaken by their works
They embrace with words…but exclude by their works
They commend with words…but condemn by their works
O that walks would match talks…O that works would speak words!

Many speak words of grace…but their works exude legalism
Many speak words of salvation…but their works imply damnation
Many speak words of healing…but their works inflict wounds
They support with words…but hinder by their works
They celebrate with words…but humiliate by their works
They honor with words…but undermine by their works
O that walks would match talks…O that works would speak words!
(by Wisdomites)

Much Love to You! Thanks.
Quinn Maybach :-)