looking for you cutie

Mar. 28th 10:27 AM 2013
How are you doing today?...I was surfing the site on a date hunt when the fascinating picture of yours caught my attention and i said to myself, I wouldn't let a pretty lady like you pass me by with out saying hi to you. Babe you are as pretty as a morning rose and you should be handled with all respect and total care.

My name is Fujah but my friends and family call me Dipo!, Baby, and i would like to know more about you and i would appreciate a write back to me from you as soon as possible and i would like us to be friends....to be able to count on each other. Have a nice day ahead...warm greetings, hugs
from me dipo! to you Babe. call me if you can 08027294179. am loving you babe


May. 21st 03:03 PM 2012
hae mis, sup wit u??