
Oct. 1st 03:35 PM 2008
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Happy Birthday Graphic Comments


Sep. 25th 03:58 AM 2008
i love ur new pic or should i say that u are very hot


Sep. 6th 10:41 PM 2008
how are u doing today


Sep. 2nd 04:41 PM 2008
How are you doing madam?how is canada.?


Aug. 27th 06:24 PM 2008
hey lol i love that cloth.


Aug. 22nd 09:10 AM 2008
love ur attire & ur beauty ,one thing i know for sure u are representing the igbos well.keep it up

Kedu nne?

Jul. 12th 10:22 PM 2008
What a page you got up in here ma. Nice pix that tell so much of your relationship with home, I love that!. Nice to see you representing to the max. Would be great to exchange mails with you from time time. I'm right here waiting on ya though. Come & talk to me ma. Cheers & have a lovely weekend.

hi pretty.

Jul. 7th 05:49 PM 2008
first ibo woman to be fanatically proud of her tribe. wish i could be that proud. anyway keep promoting the tribe in a better light than ur brothers r doing.

ok you are a beautiful woman .....

Jun. 18th 07:13 AM 2008
one beautiful woman to another i must say you are a beauty.... so often we just say nasty things aboust other women because we dont like ourselves .... however i think that we have to stop and notice each other as often as we can ...... afterall if we dont who will ....... i am not gay i am all woman loving men but i just have to pay complament to you keep it all african ...... THAI


Jun. 11th 02:25 AM 2008
hello mama, how are u today? nice to meet u mama.