
Feb. 2nd 01:47 PM 2009
yea, guess i got a prompt, that saw me going through your photos... sweeet bananas werent they all nice,(some were off the hook though... lol) and that of your mama and you... cool, can see where you got the sweet... looks from... yea ahah my vote! she prettier aftre all you got most off her.
frankly they were all nice guess i should have commented on them... but then again there's always another time... see ya soon


Feb. 1st 12:32 PM 2009


Jan. 31st 10:54 PM 2009
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Myspace Weekend Comments & Graphics


Jan. 31st 06:22 PM 2009
saw it a little later... nice thanks... lucky me stalker has become one of my pals and fella

objection over-ruled!

Jan. 31st 05:20 PM 2009
you are.... wittyer (pardon that), STICK closer and you 'll here more...lol any way you have a way about you (if your profile is you...)so stalker you could add me to your pal list... so you dont stalk no more. lolhave a splendid weekend... and take good care of you.NB: that smile could melt ice...


Jan. 30th 10:20 PM 2009
gurl u have such a nice imagination, too funny, i will be expecting ma gift and plz make sure he comes at nite so ma parents dont see him

hello peepin tom(bolina)

Jan. 30th 07:42 PM 2009
chased vigorously the peeper, and ran into this wonderfu profile...
nice personality, straight if all that really you.
left you a comment for though you left me none.
have your self a splendid,funfilled wekend

Good day

Jan. 30th 09:13 AM 2009
Good, keep being youself


Jan. 30th 08:57 AM 2009

Weekend Comments

Stopping to show sum luv...!

Jan. 30th 06:29 AM 2009
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