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Abu (Abu2013)

: OLu James Omosule said: - My fellow Nigerians, fill your heart with pride. Clear your eyes with conviction. This is your time to Stand and Fight for Nigeria, now and in the next 2015 General Election and the one after that. Join the moveme
Location: Ilorin, Nigeria
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Amaka (Amaka2013)

: If we continue down the rudderless path we have been on for thirteen long years, then the masses will continue to suffer, but we have a choice. We can change the future for our children. The unique Nigerian spirits that defied dictatorship
Location: Port Harcourt, Nigeria
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Monday brown (fixerboy)

: Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, de
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
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Enuche Enuch (Ezeomeudo)

: During these times of lack of harmony among men and nations, when the world is rocked with chaos and strife and lack of
Location: Delhi, India
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M. UKO (jeankosi)

: As we entering new year 2011, May we all Pals have a new vision now and then of all shall have one mind again, that ever
Location: 0034, Spain
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fine (queenbabe)

: I feel like shouting, I feel like dancing, I like jumping.
Location: Aba, Nigeria
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