lets make a deal

Dec. 4th 02:16 AM 2010
Well seen as you are enjoying talking to me that much, let me lay down some conditions, becos I am not just every other guy down the street you could just walk up to and open that mouth of yours which could bring nothing out but rubbish. I have standards if you know what I mean. So, if you still want to enjoy the special pleasure of talking to me, you will have to fulfill these conditions:1. You must spell correctly2. Only write in decent English Language(don't worry I would take your low educational background into consideration) and3. Upload a picture on to your profile (I want to see the face of the idiot I ve been talking to)If you could not do these, I request that you don't comment on my profile again!!!

nwa onye ara!!!

Dec. 3rd 04:04 AM 2010
Each time I read your comment, I don't know whether to cry or laugh. On one hand, I feel sorry for a bastard who inherited madness from his father but on the other hand I laugh at an idiot who is refusing to accept his dilemma and ask for help from the made up ones like ME! You never stop to amuse me mumu "we run things and determine what happen" well I don't blame you so much, but I blame the madness you inherited from your slag and mad parents. Listen, I would be happy to help you fight this madness but you have accept you are mad first and then humble yourself to me and I will help you. You can carry on ranting like a village dog or accept that something is wrong with you and I would and order help for you. I have seen the likes of you before and I have helped them and still willing to help but only on the conditions above. This offer is not available for life. So the quicker you mello down to the made ups like me, the quicker help will be on its way for you. I have come to understand that your rants are nothing but cries for help. Also, you need to understand that my patience is only short! Hey, challenge me with coming to countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and I would be there like a short and I mean Visa free Mugu. US is close to bankruptcy, so what do a clever man like me wants to come there. In fact, if I have a US citizenship, I will denounce it because I wouldn't to share same nationality with morons like you!!! Let me give you a straight warning now, I am starting to dig into you and any more insults, I will lift you in no time and crush you like and elephant will do to an ant. So do the right thing for yourself now and apologise and ask for help less you wouldn't know what hit you.........


Dec. 3rd 12:34 AM 2010
Oh my God! How did I end talking to an Illiterate like you? I bet you can't even spell your name correctly. I was beginning to think Nigeria has moved on until an idiot like u appears from a slum. Did I hear you talk about poverty? Statistics shows that most illiterates are poor, so I can now confirm where your problem originated from. Let me be very honest with you, my main problem with u is that I can hardly understand your English and it baffles me to even think that u know where America is, never mind living there most of your life. If its true that u are in us, all I could say is that a monkey would always be a monkey and I can guarantee that u are an illegal immigrant. You talk about my parents bringing me to this world, I can proudly say it was the best romance the had....... I bet u don't even know who your father is bastard. I bet your mother slept with some mad man on the street and that resulted to you. Telling me you will deal with me confirms that thought that you are mad like your father. While I sympathise with u, taking into consideration that it weren't your fault you inherited madness from your mad father, I must also point out to you that the way forward is not by abusing the lucky ones like us.........because your fate is in our hands! I will warn you to be a good boy from henceforth. Anymore bad mouthing from you or I would be forced to crush you. A word is enough for a wise. But as you are a moron, I would expect that idiom would not apply to you but beware you are risking your fate or even yourself being crushed by the elites like us. Idiot! Idiot!! and idiot!!!


Dec. 1st 12:38 AM 2010
Old fool, I careless whether you were born in the us or kafanchan! I neither gives a f**c whether u are a professor or an illiterate! All I asked for was that u introduce ursef and tell me the reason u are angry but, you are too stupid to answer simple questions I would therefore ask u to jog along off my page and co.continue living in your pathetic world where the so called pastors use people like you!!Uh


Dec. 1st 12:02 AM 2010
Hey who is this idiot that could not even express himself in a decent English language. I would appreciate it if you tell me who you and what brought about these insults! May I request that you direct all your idiotic comments to myself and do not, I repeat, do not insult my parents ever again!!!


Nov. 30th 09:27 PM 2010
May I ask why you called me a foul please. Never mind dullard and 10x


Nov. 28th 04:44 AM 2010
i just join the site so i see a lot of things i realy do not understand so iwas hoping u have an idea abut the metro pcs of thing and then you said u better come home oh so i was just lost with the hole thing but is cool all the same shai.


Nov. 27th 09:31 PM 2010
don't understand you