
Jan. 23rd 08:56 AM 2009
most of my friends are illiterate.. I mean they only passed through the school without the school passing through them.. them dey fear.. but I search on anyway


Jan. 19th 02:18 PM 2009
you're there.. my messenger has been infected with a virus by some silly hackers, dont know how I got it thought, but I will get it removed today, got the tools needed to get it off, can we chat right here?

Just as my offline reads.. did you get it on messenger

Jan. 14th 02:09 AM 2009

From Bodeniyi To a Special Friend


Jan. 12th 09:00 PM 2009
you get mouth,... see you on top


Jan. 11th 05:13 PM 2009
Its got not to be 6p's this year..lol, what do we have as our watchward for this year honey...lmao


Jan. 8th 10:18 AM 2009
how r u doing today?


Nov. 3rd 10:36 PM 2008
Well on wetin???


Nov. 1st 04:57 PM 2008
you know why am writing... wetin we go eat tonight cos am hell hungry


Oct. 29th 01:53 AM 2008
how are u doin and r thins with u at work?

hey nice profile

Oct. 17th 09:58 PM 2008
wanna teach me how to design?