Same to you

Dec. 31st 09:53 AM 2014
Thanks, wishing you same

Love to all. Compliments.

Dec. 22nd 08:47 PM 2014
Today, make the decision to stop making excuses. If you always make excuses, you’ll always have one. Don’t wait for a more convenient time. It says in Ecclesiastes, “If we wait for all the conditions to be just right, we’ll never move off of dead center.” Make a decision to just do it! Be a now person. Your destiny is calling out, and it’s never too late to be all that God has created you to be.Remain bless. have a warn season. Merry Christmas.


May. 12th 11:10 PM 2014
When was the last time you volunteered to do something in service to another person? If you’re a father, you’ve probably done something selfless already to serve your child or children today. If you’re a husband, chances are you can remember the last time you served your wife without her asking. But if you’re a single guy in your first job, scraping together a living and trying to make ends meet, it’s possible that it’s been a while. Most of us know we should serve others, but we don’t really know how. Talking about serving is a lot easier than actually doing it.Jesus served throughout his ministry. When he served others, the act often involved self-sacrifice. Ultimately, he sacrificed his life for our sins. When we serve others, especially those who have no way of repaying us, we imitate Jesus. We represent Christ to those we serve. Kenneth Leech writes, “Christian spirituality is the spirituality of the Poor Man of Nazareth who took upon himself the form of a servant. To follow the way of the kingdom is therefore to follow him who fed the hungry, healed the sick, befriended the outcast, and blessed the peacemakers.”Even with Jesus living and serving right in front of them, the disciples didn’t seem to get it. They wondered how they could be great. But Jesus answered, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (Mark 10:43–44).That’s the paradox of serving. When we give ourselves away in service, we find ourselves. When we empty ourselves in service, we find fulfillment.A lot of people search for identity and self-fulfillment. Most look for it in repeated highs of promotions, exotic vacations or an endless parade of worldly possessions. But real fulfillment comes from serving God by serving others. When we give ourselves away in service to others, we find meaning and joy in life that selfishness can never equal.


Apr. 9th 11:43 PM 2014
ntroduction: When one takes into account the world history of this present age, it can be summed up into the words “aggression and strife for survival!” Once we have experienced biological life, we can be certain that death will mark the next phase. At some point in the beginning, sin entered the world, and death has accompanied it ever since. Our physical and psychological natures have carried the infection from one generation to another and passed it on like a virus. The symptoms of a sinful nature are pride, self-centeredness, the inclination to esteem ourselves better than others, despising the imposition of God’s authority, and the inner drive to satisfy illicit passions and lust at the expense of ourselves and others. And, the most damaging tool of all is our deceptive ability to be in denial of our sinful ways and thus to rationalize our thoughts and behavior as appropriate and politically correct!

The divine grace of God

Apr. 9th 09:32 PM 2014
In the definition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, " grace is favour, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life" .[11] Grace is a participation in the life of God, which is poured unearned into human beings, whom it heals of sin and sanctifies.[12] The means by which God grants his grace are many.[13] They include the entirety of revealed truth, the sacraments and the hierarchical ministry.[13][14] Among the principal means of grace are the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), prayers and good works.[15][16] The sacramentals also are means of grace.[17] The sacraments themselves, not the persons who administer or those who receive them, are " the means of grace" ,[18] although lack of the required dispositions on the part of the recipient will block the effectiveness of the sacrament.[19]


Oct. 23rd 11:21 PM 2013
That tells us that we have what we need right now in order to fulfill our destiny. The moment that what you have becomes not enough is the moment that God will give you more. The moment something starts to keep you from your destiny, the moment it begins to stop God’s plan for your life is the moment God will show up and intervene on your behalf.


Aug. 29th 12:34 AM 2013
Today, make the decision to stop making excuses. If you always make excuses, you’ll always have one. Don’t wait for a more convenient time. It says in Ecclesiastes, “If we wait for all the conditions to be just right, we’ll never move off of dead center.” Make a decision to just do it! Be a now person. Your destiny is calling out, and it’s never too late to be all that God has created you to be.


Aug. 28th 11:04 PM 2013
Father, today I press into You. I believe that You have my miracle in the palm of Your hand. I choose to take my eyes off of my circumstances and set my gaze on You, Jesus, because You are the Author and Finisher of my faith in Jesus’ name. Am


Apr. 27th 06:45 PM 2013
All dates are great but are they real life?. I will date more and see more of human. Thanks.


Apr. 27th 06:33 PM 2013
Life is real. All need, is give ur time to the life giver.