A friends new bike

Apr. 12th 02:06 PM 2012
It's just too heavey & too curved. The stearing wheel is very low and far away from the seat. A monster bike with a 6-speed transmission. It left me with a nimor pain on the left ankle. ...but I'm used to the bike now; such a fun! hehehe


Apr. 12th 01:35 PM 2012
I hope you sustained no injuries ? How did it happen?


Apr. 10th 09:11 PM 2012
lastly I'm here once again :) with a little bad luck - I fell down from a motor-bike 2day hehe

ach ja 8-)

Apr. 9th 08:55 PM 2012
endlich :-P

Wow! wow!! wow!!!

Apr. 8th 08:07 PM 2012
Hundreds of mails in the inbox. I`ll be needing some two weeks or more to repply all. Thanks so much to all that sent in one mail or the other even after being absent for so long. You guys are just great! :-* ;)

sup babe

Jan. 6th 12:16 AM 2012
wie geht`s denn so?
05. 01. ;-) du hast dich immernoch nicht auf Naijapals gemeldet ??? noch auf der Konferenz?

melde dich

QUEEN indeed

Oct. 1st 01:06 PM 2011
I said no comment u r QUEEN 4 dis naijapals


Nov. 27th 04:00 PM 2010


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I miss you guys so much

Oct. 24th 01:54 PM 2010
and I guess someone must have missed me too
I`ll be back soon
Enjoy the day!
Kisses fom mua!


Oct. 20th 03:34 PM 2010
Silence girl. How are you?