
Jun. 24th 12:07 PM 2010
just checking on u,
how are u doing?, mekxo showing some love.

Thanks for adding.

Jun. 23rd 10:42 AM 2010
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want to know more about you.

Jun. 23rd 10:35 AM 2010
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Jun. 23rd 09:15 AM 2010
Dem no fit perform.


Jun. 22nd 04:28 PM 2010
have money to do other things.


Jun. 22nd 04:21 PM 2010
Cool, i thought you've forgotten me. While aleast let them qualify out of the group first.

You too much.

Jun. 22nd 02:47 PM 2010
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Jun. 22nd 09:04 AM 2010
hw u doing do you mind being pals?

hope ya doing kul

Jun. 18th 01:15 PM 2010
wats up, naija kul? naija futu bol na waooooooooooo

Hey missy!

Jun. 15th 06:08 PM 2010
Whatsup with you ? It's been ages since last I visit here
Hope you've been great ?