Am all good my brother.

May. 22nd 07:51 AM 2010
Hp u had awounderful night?
Mekxo checking on u.


May. 22nd 07:42 AM 2010
End no bad. How your own side?

Hi bro

May. 21st 02:55 PM 2010
It gona be fun, cus there is alot happening in town 2day,,,,
Frdy nght, party night.
How ur side?, watin dey 2night.


May. 21st 02:43 PM 2010
amen oo lets hope 4 beta


May. 20th 01:37 PM 2010
i dey oo body dey small lol am so busy wit skull am so sry


May. 19th 09:23 PM 2010
sry if i dint reply sins this while am so busy wit studies anyway hw r u doin? hope all is ok wit u

like the profile said...

May. 19th 05:14 PM 2010
Castelfranco Veneto. Near Padova or still near Treviso.

brown saamurai abi!!! lol

May. 19th 04:43 PM 2010
Look, careful with Pexy, she's got skills!I'm doing good though. Hows you?

No shakeing, my bro

May. 17th 12:04 PM 2010
I will inform you next time,
SO how your side?, the wetter is reaaly bad 4 my side.


May. 17th 05:14 AM 2010
i will, jus b pateint