Am Vicky Fresh a.k.a Obitoscatter  New song dropping soon tittled _ Life Na Jeje.. This song is all about hustle, what you really believe about yourself that giving up isn't never an option and never you feels too weak for another man to take over always try be strong because know food for a lazy man and no room for a lazy man... You'll are going to love this one from your home Vicky Fresh God bless you'llfor your support ..  #obitoscatter
Am vicky fresh a.k.a obitoscatter.. I love been myself that's what makes me happy
vickyfresh : Hello good people of naija and round the world, I great you all. I just want 2 introduces too you a young super star called...IFLY... Dropping soon OLUWA GBOMI .. Means a young boy carring For peace and God bless in the nation let's leave as one for peace to rain.... COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!! - a moment ago
Am just chilling
Making life easy is what keep me going in life. Thank you lord jesus
Making life easy is what keep me going in life. Thank you lord jesus