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Apollonia got 2 votes with an average ranking of 4/5

Jesus Christ is Lord!!!!!!

I am a minister of God and i have a passion for widows, single mothers and senior singles, God has sent me to comfort them as He comforted me when I became a widow. So ladies no matter Ur status do not allow what u re going thru to hinder where u are going it almost got me until Jesus rescued me. Remember problems turn u and I to God's promises. I breath on Genesis 50:20 " You intended it for harm but, God turned it for good" Shalom

What industry do you work in?? Prefer not to say
Employment Status? Full Time
Education? Some University
Annual Salary? Between $30,001 and $50,000

Comments (2)


Comfort Lord

4 Jun 12, 05:28 PM, Africa/Lagos

May the Lord comfort the families of the departed in Jesus name. Lord we pray for mercy in Nigeria Mercy Lord, Mercy Lord and father expose, disgrace and dispose of all the wicked and may the know no rest in Jesus name. Plant the righteous in authority oooh Lord so that Nigerian citizens will rejoice again. thank you Lord


Would you obey God no matter how tough?

24 Mar 12, 09:35 PM, Africa/Lagos

Brethren! Brethren! I have a question, Abraham faced crises of his obedience to God, (1) he had to leave his kindred to an unknown or strange land (2) he was asked by mama Sarah and backed up by God to send away his son Ismael, which do you think was the hardest for him though he obeyed all? Please talk to me I want it Know. God bless you all.

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