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Amson29 got 2 votes with an average ranking of 3/5

About me

My friends would describe me as: energetic, sophisticated, assertive, interesting, loyal, responsible, smart, and cultured. Respect one another, and yourself, everyone is human, enjoy one another to the fullest, honesty, trust, and commitment. Open minded. Someone who is not afraid to try different things. Always give more, than you expect, and you will receive more than you expect. Incredible sex life is a must and you have to have mutual respect if you don't you have nothing. I'm a guy who's looking for a fun woman to meet, have a good time, and not be too serious. One who can be a great date of attraction,good sex and never felt shy, chemistry, lots of laughs, and can make good conversation on many levels. And of course be just friends. Right? I'm interested in meeting a "real woman". A woman who's comfortable being herself and doesn't try to change for anybody.

Ethnicity? African
Body Type? Average
Height? 5'07
Hair Color? Black
Eye Color? Brown
Body Art? No
Am here for? Fun, Look around, Make friends, Dating, Networking, A serious relationship

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