
Member Emperor Sheidu

Emperor Sheidu

In the search for me, I discovered truth In the search for truth, I discovered love In the search for love, I discovered
Warri, Nigeria.

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Emperor21 got 2 votes with an average ranking of 3/5

Make haste when then sun is shinning

I am very lively and like making friends not much about me if want to more about me just contact me


School Level Location Years
Hussey College Warri
Secondary / High school Delta 1993-1999

What industry do you work in?? Prefer not to say
Employment Status? Full time
Education? Some highschool
Annual Salary? Less then $30,000

Comments (1)



12 Apr 12, 05:13 PM, Africa/Lagos

We walk the fine line
Between insanity and love
Love is love
Isn’t it?
We are told
We are sinful
But what of the people
Who cast us aside
Turn their backs on us
Treat us with their cold
whispers and burning hot stares
Like we are a knife
Straight into the heart of the
And the “holy ghost”
But what right God
Would toss out his own
Just for who they love?
Love is love.
We are the ones in the pouring
Who dance and laugh and smile
Even though sometimes it seems
That the world is against us.
we are different
beautiful; we stand strong
against the names
the pain
love is love
but hate is hate
what is left
for those who feel both
and yet neither?
We play their little game
Living in their world where
Laws and rules
That are supposedly in the best
Of the people
Bind us to ourselves
We can cry, feel, dream
We can love, care, support each
Just the like the next person
Who may be classified as
We are not the devil
We are not the problem
We are hope
We are love
Love is love

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