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ASHYSHOW got 3 votes with an average ranking of 4/5

About me

Quite a bit to say about a young man who believes he was born to be an Engineer, and a music lover. Born Ashiru Feyishola Stephen A.K.A (OH PUNMPING) by a Medical Doctor of United State of America in Brooklyn, and a Technical Assistant mother of Odeda local government Ogun State Nigeria, less than thirty years ago. This powerful year was quite challenging due to the drastic challenge of the computer age we are now, and the happenings around his immediate environment Mushin, in Lagos,Nigeria. Mushin Ajina (ZANGA) is an area considered to be the abode of contemporary like hip hop/blues/ Fuji//Apala/Acapella/Highlife musicians also group of multi-talents who bring solution to the networking age. I am happy for my music tutor Adedeji Adetayo who made me what I am about music today, I am not that conversant with music because its jealous, and my carrier is what I took first, but I will like to be a guitarist like my tutor because music has been my encourager, It encourage me when am bored,it uplift my spirit when am down . I have written a book on mistakes singles make in choosing there life partner, which it has not yet been published . However, my mentor without any official musical training trained a Celestial Church of Christ Choir, and he made us perform the Halleluyah Chorus by G.F Handel where I sang my Tenor part, and other renowned works before going to launch his performance career in Athens Greece. I am a Tenor Singer in the denominational mass choir of a church, and at the same time a computer & Network Engineer with little skills in programming, I have my certificate in Network and computer Networking & repair. Ashiru Feyishola Stephen is an independent Person, I Love to be independent. My love and passion for computer has made me work for Anglican churches, this are my mothers dreams, and I will make sure I achieved it for her. I have participated in many programs on computer networking were people nominated me to represent and speak on there behalf. I am bember of the FBI CLUB (faji base intrenational) by group of multi talentented squared in my Church where am been nominated as the secetary of the club. Also,i have been the member of the Nigeria Boys Brigade for years before i quite Brigade for my music career, i Presneetly belong to the Befieting end funeral home where i participated in corpse possession. I became certified in computer Engineer in the years 2002, and I proceed to have my PART TIME in OND from year 2003 to 2006, where am proceeding to have my HND degree in Computer science. I am a certified Network Engineer, and I work on domestic level for people, in the next 5 years I want to be a network solution to the world, where I will manipulate any thing on the internet like Philips emagualie the father of internet, I want to be the second father of internet in the world. I am also a counselor on what ever aspect in marriage. I love to be a loving and caring father when am ready to marry.


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Comments (2)


and why

30 Mar 09, 04:23 PM, Africa/Lagos

Why is that?



16 Mar 09, 08:39 PM, Africa/Lagos

African leaders sleeping at AU meeting
Current mood: angry
African leaders sleeping and snoring at AU meeting. "These are the bunch of guys that the west expects to govern Africa and also "peer review" themselves. With such proposition, you wonder who amongst the so-called Western leaders are better than African leaders.
Second Base jare!"
When "Jesus", the first slave ship captained by Sir John Hawkins set base on African soil in 1562, Africans were running away from that slave ship named "Jesus".
Humanity fought for the eradication of slavery, now slave masters no longer come to Africa in ships, they arrive trough "multinational cooperation", "globalisation" " millennium development programme" and other glamorous names that is only intended to bind the economy of the people of Africa to the Western world.
The romance between the slave masters in Europe and America and their agents (African governments) is growing so much that they have redefined "development" and "growth" to denote the number of flashy cars, sky scrappers, and cinemas.
In Nigeria of today, local manufacturers, entrepreneur's are pushed to the background, starved of funds and giving crumbs under the name "micro finance", foreign companies get government backing and give away subsidy, they make a turn over in 6 months, plunder Nigeria, smile to the bank in Europe, America and South Africa and we clap with one hand singing, wow Nigeria is developing, cant you see the changes, my village remains neglected but Lekki is as good as London we have replicated more Ajegunle's than we have built exotic Abuja's .
Whilst the slave masters in the western world are providing "social benefits" "welfare system", tax relief to their citizens they "enlighten" African leaders who are local slave masters,western governments, and that monster called, world Bank/IMF insist in Africa we have no business in providing those same benefits enjoyed by western citizens.
They claim our economy is not "strong enough" we have not done enough "capacity building" but we have enough capacity for western stooge to loot our economy and keep same loot in western Banks and financial institutions under the very nose of western Governments who turn a blind eye when the funds come trough, heathrow, JFK, Schipol or Charles De Gaule Airports.
"Privatisation", "private public partnership", "austerity measure", and all others are gifts by both local and foreign slave masters to the oppressed people of Africa.

"Africans would no longer be running away from slave ships they would be scrambling to get on board" Kayode Ogundamisi
No wonder the reality now is if that slave ship "Jesus" set sail into the ports of Lagos, Tema, or any part of Africa today, Africans would no longer be running away from slave ships they would be scrambling to get on board the slave ships back to Europe that is because the condition of the slaves in Africa is worst than that of slaves in Europe and America.
At least African "slaves" in present day Europe and America are guaranteed the basic rights to clothing, accommodation, food and even good roads, security and social benefits. It is a matter of lean freedom or fat slavery.
It explains the wickedness of the "comprador slave masters" the ruling elite in Africa, the people are told to do more, sacrifice more, and tighten their belt to the point of disappearing.

"masses tighten your belt for economic growth" Untill we become living corpse abi? Kayode Ogundamisi

We need to find a solution to the problem, one we must acknowledge that our governments in Africa do not work for our interest.
Yaradu'a is soon going to remove that oil subsidy in Nigeria not because it is necessary but because the western world cant imagine how he would not make Nigerians pay for oil in accordance with "International market forces".
He needs British weapons in Niger Delta not because he really wants justice in that region but because the crisis in the Niger Delta is making the average British and American pay so much for oil.
The sooner we have progressive leaders in Africa the better.

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