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angelwhitea1 got 4 votes with an average ranking of 5/5

think before you think of what to think about

just cool and jovial.thats all


4 registered members have viewed this

Ethnicity? African
Body Type? Athletic
Height? 5'08
Hair Color? Black
Eye Color? Black
Body Art? No
Ethnicity? African American / Black
Height? 5?6
Eye Color? Black
Body Art? Ask me
Body Type? Average
Hair Color? Black
Want More Children? Maybe
Smoking? Never have Never will
Drinking? Never have Never will
In a Social Setting, I'm? Quiet, laid back , Other , Prefer not to say
Currently Living? With my parent (s)
Religion? Christian / Other
Attend Services? Weekly
Tell us about your ideal first date? it will surelly be cool
What is your favorite food? gaari,cold water and fish
What is your favorite color? blue and black
What is your most hated food? none
Describe your ideal partner? nice looking,easy going and cool
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? to render help to the needy
How many sexual partners have you had? 0
Who is your hero? JESUS
Have you ever wondered "The one that got away"? Prefer not to say
What is one place that you have always wanted to travel? my promise land
What has been your greatest accomplishment? to be real me
What is your tv watching habits? always am on the tube
What is your favorite genre? comedy
what is your favorite color? blue and black
favorte things? pets and lifestyle
Am here for? Fun , Look Around , Make Friends , Dating , A Serious Relationship
Website? http://
What industry do you work in?? Other
Employment Status? Student
Education? Some University
Annual Salary? I'm on Forbes for how much $$$ I have

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