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Mondoferagamo got 2 votes with an average ranking of 3/5

About me

I'm an easy going person, love to laugh and have fun. Enjoy various outdoor activities from basketball, going to the beach. I love to be shown affection and don't have any problem whatsoever showing the right person lots of it, i always say its better to give than to receive. I desire someone MATURE MINDED is definitely OK in My Book. I'm looking to meet a Christian and God fearing woman who can be a significant other as well as a best friend. Like the saying the "THE FEAR OF GOD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM". I enjoy good, deep conversations with an open mind and a am great listener. I just like to have a good time no matter what I'm doing.


5 registered members have viewed this


School Level Location Years
Community Grammar School, Akowonjo
Secondary / High school Lagos State 2003-2008

What industry do you work in?? Executive / management
Employment Status? Self-employed
Education? College diploma
Annual Salary? Less then $30,000

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